Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Salads OR NO Salads

Yesterday I went to the store to get everything needed for tomorrow because we are going to celebrate my cousin’s birthday party. I’m in charge of making my famous salads. Things that I would need are tomatoes, carrots, radish, chicken, and lettuce. I ran down the block to the mini market, when I got there I asked the owner if they had chicken and fresh produce. The owner responded, “what you see there is all we have.” When I looked around, the store was almost empty. To my surprise, the owner said “we won’t be shipping in anymore more merchandise because we’re closing due to the oil crisis.”

The next morning I had to drive across town to a market I thought would have what I needed. I was lucky enough that they had everything I needed, so I bought them and hurried back home so I could have the salads ready by 3 this afternoon. I arrived at the party early and was glad to have the salads ready for the party. At the end of the day I could not believe how dependent we are on oil; we need it to ship produce in and out of towns, drive to far away places, and grow our crops. I can’t imagine how things are going to be looking in the next year if this keeps going on.

SOURCE: mudbugseunice:

SOURCE: mudbugseunice

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