Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil

Belive it or not Belive it: I thought that oil was only made for some things, like airplains, cars, car oil etc. But today i found out a differen story now oil is use for paint, perse, plastic bags, shampoo, deodorant, make-up an nail polish, shoes, rubber, plastic, medicine, cloths, fertilize, and even our own car/motocycle wheels. Yeah! it seems to worse if we would of had an oil crisis, right now. Imagn how can we live with out this things.

SOURCE: Esquire


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought the same as you...who knew we used petroleum in almost every product you could think of. It is amazing how much we depend on oil-based products. Imagine what would happen if we ran out of oil--we woudn't have much of our daily-use products anymore. Just like we started reserving our water, we should also think of ways to reserve our oil today. It is a must do, or else we will have to suffer the consequences later on.

    You need to go back and edit for grammatical errors. In your whole blog there are only two sentences, you might want to go back and seperate these two compound sentences. Other than that it was a nice blog.=) I thought that the image was related to what you were talking about; your source seems to wrok properly; and the list of products in which oil is used could be helpful for others to know what they're using and how they depend on oil.
